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The local business community

Ipswich and its immediate surrounds is an established business hub with a wide variety of well-established regional, national and international organisations choosing to locate in the area given its access to suitable labour markets, good regional road networks and major UK ports. Some of the largest in the area include:

  • BT – one of the world’s leading communications services companies, serving the  UK and in more than 170 countries worldwide.
  • Fred Olsen – cruise shipping company headquartered in Ipswich. The company is part of the Fred Olsen Group.
  • Thompson & Morgan – the UK’s largest mail order seed and plant company.
  • Willis Faber & Dumas –  a multinational risk advisor, insurance company and reinsurance brokerage company
  • Axa UK – a world leader in protection across insurance and healthcare. 
  • LDH (La Doria) Limited – LDH is the leading UK Own Label supplier of canned tomato products, fish, fruit and vegetables, dried pasta and other ambient foods to the major UK supermarkets. It has a world-class reputation for sourcing packaged grocery products from all over the world at the right quality and competitive prices.
  •, Inc. – An American multinational technology company which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming and artificial intelligence. It is one of the big five companies in the United States information technology industry. The company has been referred to as “one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world”, as well as the world’s most valuable brand.
  • Hubbard Products Ltd –  one of the UK’s leading designers, manufacturers and suppliers of commercial cooling equipment with a Global reputation for innovation and design-led excellence.
copdock interchange aerial view

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